Sprig Maven Maven is a project management tool ANT is also a build tool which is similar to Maven and it is a default build tool in Intellij IDEA,Netbeans,Eclips Replace the build tool to maven. Maven has a common folder structure.Hence any developer can easily identify the project. Maven can create documentation by checking the source code of the project.Hence source code should be correctly formatted. Source code read by doc comments Maven is a collection of dependency management tool and document development tool All the dependencies are download into the home directory as common repository not for each project. Plugins are created by set of goals. Maven is created by set of pulgins. Create a Project : mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DgroupId=com.mycompany.app -DartifactId=my-app Execute a goal : mvn : EX : mvn compiler : compile Maven life Cycle Clean(clear all created artifacts and rebuild the project...
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Advanced Java Script (Ecma Script) Java Script is all about objects objects are all about properties Properties are all about attributes Primitive Wrappers number ex: new number(125.25) boolean string(wrapper as a object and give methods and properties) Objects Literal Form : var obj = {} Constructor Form : var obj = new Object() Regex Literal Form : / / Constructor Form : new regExp() Array Literal Form : [10,20] Constructor Form : new Array[10,20] Iterate Object Properties Ex : for(var property in object) Private Variables Ex : var _name Variables with use by java script engine Ex : var _ _name_ _ Change Invoker by using call , apply and bind methods. Object Properties On Properties (Created Properties) Enumerable (can Iterate) Data Properties Accessor Properties Non Enumerable (can't Iterate) Data Properties Accessor Properties Prototype Properties (Primitive values and references of objects) Enumerable (can...